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At Naturally Empowered, we believe that ALL humans have the innate ability to grow, heal & thrive.

We also believe that it takes a village.


 We know at certain points in our lives that extra support is needed to grow out of habits and behaviors that keep us from feeling & being the best version of us. We've learned that when we invite that support in, it inspires the greatest of personal innovation, inspired action & a keen awareness of the steps needed to get to a desired outcome in a sustainable way.


Intuition & Spiritual Wellness 



Time Management/Productivity

Energy Healing & Clearing


Weight Management


Self love/self worth

Stress Management


Healthy habits & routines

Conscious Manifesting

Overall Well-Being

Nutritional Supplementation



Our programming has helped 100's of clients create healthy habits & routines to avoid burnout & carve a clearer path to their ideal way of living. Each program is tailored to your unique lifestyle, body, preferences and goals. We suggest at least 90 days (6 sessions) to start. That's the sweet spot for sustainable growth.

1) Break down your goals & dreams into manageable steps

2) Learn to blaze a trail with small steps to reach larger goals

3) Discover where you're leaking energy AND GET IT BACK

4) Learn how to change with the seasons to avoid burnout

5) Identify your "YES" in nutrition, self care, movement & stress relief

6) Learn about neural pathways & the brain science behind habits

7) Unblock your MAGICAL FLOWS

8) Create rock-solid routines that keep you thriving

9) Start giving yourself permission to take what you need

10) Make an impact on humanity in your own way




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  • Kitchen Clean Out 

  • Cooking Classes (virtual option)

  • Private Yoga (virtual option)

  • Breathwork & Meditation (virtual)

  • Private workshops

  • Grocery Store Tour & Advice

  • Vision Boarding 

  • Home Sustainability Upgrade 

  • Home Garden Program

  • Well Travel Research & Planning

Coaching program available internationally via Skype, Facetime, phone and in person.

Coaching program available internationally via Skype, Facetime, phone and in person.


Alex, Creative/Mama

There are plenty of coaches out there who can help you set & achieve goals, but Steph's magic is in helping you discover your 'why'. Steph has helped me tap into my inner voice & develop the confidence to listen to it. I was able to be vulnerable with her in ways that I hadn't ever in my life & it's a gift I will cherish long after the goals & ideas we discussed fade into the past. Her smile lit up many a Tuesday morning for me & her presence in my life continues to be one of endless encouragement and inspiration. 


Gina, Seeker

The biggest overall change is my self doubt & guilt has subsided (significantly). I truly feel like I have become the expert on my health and happiness which makes it easier to shed the self doubt and insecurities. Feeling this empowered makes loving myself easy. Steph is a gentle, loving, open, radiant light with a truly special gift.


Angelique, Healer of Minds

With Stephanie's help I have lost 27 pounds since the beginning of our program, my blood pressure went from 170/100 to 120/80 consistently. I walk (breathing hard walking) 2-3 times per week. Most importantly I have a plan. I know the things that equal good health including primary and secondary foods.


Cheri, Boss

Working with Stephanie was a game changer! She was able to reign in my “all or nothing” mentality, so I could allow myself to celebrate even the small victories. The most significant overall change I have noticed has been my outlook on food. It is no longer the enemy but a nourishing tool. It is rare to find someone that has charismatic energy as well as expertise. She is the whole package and truly inspiring

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Callie, Mama/Blogger

Steph is OUR wellness coach. Over the years she has helped Ryan and me with diet and nutrition goals when we have veered so very far off course. She is passionate, approachable, knowledgeable, warm and kind. I could go on. The very best part of working with her is that our changes are all sustainable. They are becoming habit, our way of life. Wait, scratch that. The best part of working with her is doing it with my partner in life (Ryan). 


Nicole, Yogi

Being a yoga teacher I have a lot of knowledge & life experience to help others, but it's easy to lose sight of the things I need the most for my personal development & wellness. Stephanie kept me accountable & gave me tips to remind myself how to feel truly great from the inside out. We practiced small steps to reach big goals & her support left me feeling that I can accomplish anything I put my mind to. Working with Stephanie was an absolute gift. My biggest take away: We all get off track, but it's all about making our rebound time shorter.

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Kristina, Student

I reached out to Stephanie because i had strayed from healthy habits and patterns that i had once practiced. Stephanie helped me to feel empowered and confident. She taught me skills and tools to lead a more fulfilled life. I only met with her for a couple weeks but in those couple weeks I was able to gain knowledge about myself and my struggles, allowing myself to really grow. Thanks to Stephanie and the skills she taught me I now feel more inspired and motivated to take care of myself.

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Diane, Teacher

Thank you SO much for helping me get back in shape, learn healthy habits, and boost my energy level!  I hit rock bottom at the end of May and was really feeling down...and it changed my life!  I could not have been more impressed! I thought it was going to be challenging to get down to 140, but when I hit that goal, I was motivated to keep going and set a new goal of 130.  I finally made it!!! 

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Jaime, Teacher/Mom

I feel truly blessed to work with Stephanie. I have learned so much about myself & my power to live a joyful life. With her guidance I now have confidence that I can deal with stressful situations & have the tools to set boundaries which allow me to put myself first. I now make smart choices that I intuitively know are best for my healthy lifestyle. Filling my body with vibrant food while avoiding some of my old triggers have helped me stop binge eating and begin a new way of living. I am beyond grateful that I took the leap of faith and invested in myself because this work is life changing.

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Jane, Exec/Mom

It was fantastic working with Stephanie. Her wellness program helped me organize and find areas where I wanted to improve on personal habits that created stress and kept me from moving forward on personal goals, such as weight loss, workouts, and healthier eating. The planner Stephanie creates contains inspirational quotes and my mantra to start my day on a positive note. With these new habits in place, I was able to lose more than 10 pounds and am continuing to lose weight. It was well worth the work and will do it again if I start to get off track.


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