Let me introduce you to Naturally Empowered. The health coach in the family. DGK loves to feed you and be social and bug you to come to events on facebook. Naturally Empowered is here to feed you in a different way. To give you the tools you need to feel your very best. To help you nourish yourself from the inside out. This type of health coaching goes beyond food and touches on the mind and body for the most holistic approach to wellness. Naturally Empowered exists because we all need a space to hold ourselves accountable, safely reach our goals & speak our minds. Whether it's cutting cravings, sleeping better, losing inches, relieving stress, I'm here to support you in making that change.
Until the end of January mention this blog post and get your first month of coaching FREE.

With this frigid weather keeping us inside, it's nice to have something comforting to warm you up! I love chai, but don't always need the caffeine. This recipe has rooibos tea, which is a lovely red tea that is caffeine free and a great flavor that lends itself to chai. Give it a try and let me know what you think!
2 cinnamon sticks 5 whole cloves 4 green cardamom pods 4 peppercorns pinch of fennel seeds 1/8 tsp ginger powder or ½ tsp fresh chopped ginger 1 heaping tbs rooibos tea 4 cups boiling water non-dairy milk to taste raw honey, agave or organic sugar to taste​
1) While bringing water to a boil, using mortar and pestle, grind ingredients (from cinnamon stick-fennel seeds) to break into smaller pieces and release flavor. 2) Either using a French press or tea pot with a screen, add ground ingredients, ginger, along with rooibos tea & water. Allow to steep for 10 minutes. 3) warm your favorite milk with a ½ tsp of honey, agave, or sugar then add tea. My faves are almond milk and raw honey. It has become one of my favorite parts of the day :)​