Over the weekend I offered a talk on sugar, aptly named SUGAR HIGH! It was at the lovely D:HIVE down town. We talked about history, science, cravings, other names for sugar, how to curb the craving and more. I gave a handout that I would be happy to email to you if you ask here: iamnaturallyempowered@gmail.com
Here are some other interesting articles, infographics, etc. that I pulled from for the lecture.
SUGAR- National Geographic SUGAR- Free Press How soft drinks impact our health- infographic 146 reasons why sugar ruins your health
If you couldn't make it & feel like you could use a wellness kick-start, next week begins our group coaching mini-session. We'd love to have you! Call or email with questions.

#detroitgrouphealthcoaching #howsoftdrinksimpactourhealth #146reasonswhysugarruinsyourhealth #sugarmakesyoufat #sugarmaybekillingyou #naturallyempowered #stephanieselvaggiohealthcoach #sugarhigh #teachlearnlovegrow #thetruthaboutsugar #sugar101 #instituteforintegrativenutrition #healthcoach #naturallyempowereddetroit #naturallyempoweredhealthcoach #stephanieselvaggio